The time difference between Saudi Arabia and the West Coast is +10 hours. So when it is 12:00 noon here, it is 02:00 in the morning in CA. Hence the title.
Well, once again I fail to deliver on time to the blog. However, I now have some good pictures from Saudi Arabia that include some scenery, architecture, friends, shop, and the Eurovillage. Enjoy.
A Camel running by our truck
One security entrance to Eurovillage - where we live.
This was $8!!! =)
These high-rises used to hold the US Navy from the 1990's to 2003.
Getting my operators hyped up for the job
The guy in the back was hard cat to crack...
The roads look like this for across the majority of the country.
This guy had his truck breakdown for a weak, bummer dude.
Sand blown onto the road
This was in the middle of nowhere, tons and tons of camels!
Exit to the shop, hardcore security just outside the gate
The hospital in Khobar, the corner has a cool shape
Weird looking balloon building
The entrance to my apartment
Nice doors and pillars
The following pictures are of my new room. I didn’t have a key and called a security guard to come open my door, and when we walked in I said, “Are you sure this is Hibiscus 1???” I couldn’t believe how nice the rooms could be at this facility. Im kind of angry because you don’t realize what you don’t have until you experience it, and now I will always think – well its not as nice as Saudi – about the rooms I get in other locations. The apartment is so over the top, it is about 1800sqft. and there are 2 other people that I share it with. There is 8 person table, full kitchen, laundry room, 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, and a huge living room. The rooms are also unnecessarily large, I never even walk in the back half of my room… All of the floor and walls are marble.
Entrance way
Living room
Kitchen and table
My bathroom
My room - again, I clean for no one! =) (sorry chels)
My puppy friend, seen this guy for about 3 days now.
Overview of the compound architecture
Ambulance and Hospital in Eurovillage
Market to buy general things
Most of our trucks are unmarked like this one...
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